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Julius - Boston
male - sweet stuff toy, loves to be held, adventurous, laid back, please tickle me!
mini whoodle, puppies in CA,watawhoodle,whoodle puppies,whoodle
Boston is very happy and playful. He loves all people and really enjoys playing with all dogs. He did very well with training and is quite intelligent. The trainers said he was one of their all time favorites. He sleeps in his crate and hits the bells by our door to go outside. He is perfect for our family. We definitely love our whoodle.
wataWhoodle whoodle
Boston 6 mos.
wataWhoodle whoodle
Boston 6 mos.
wataWhoodle whoodle
I am such a baby!
wataWhoodle whoodle
Boston 6 mos.
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